воскресенье, 6 сентября 2009 г.


  As nicely we came back from work. Our sentry, having handed over change, sat down on a train. We went in structure of. We cheerfully went from the car to the car. Passed through cars-stables, inhaled a smell of manure and hay, stirred up legs in tambour. Then went to the car-dining room. Behind blank walls, in silence, we ordered hot of a potato and pilau, and, remembering a favourite delicacy since the childhood, ordered welding electrodes.
  I have ordered most electrode.I ate them with greater appetite. Should be, I surfeit electrodes. As it is pleasant to upholster at first electrodes about a wall to weaken the scale which has pasted to a steel wire, then with a crunch to gnaw this scale. But I, should be, surfeit, I had a heartburn.  
  As it is strange, that we have ceased to realize, that scale welding an electrode has no food value. It simply tribute of children's weakness. As it is good on sew weaknesses earn the cook and sellers of grocery shops. In fact, even if electrode food as assure us advertising, it is made of harmless materials and it is nontoxical for our organism, all the same it is made for industrial use. As it was difficult to us in days of the dry law when we consumed illicit Chinese production. In fact nobody checked quality of electrodes from China, probably, they used cancerogenic components, and we could be ill with a cancer. But nobody refused from singed electrodes. We with greed looked at welders who cooked at the big height, and ate precious scale together with drops of metal.
  But now other times. Everyone know, that an interdiction nothing can be reached. Now counters are hammered by hundreds grades of electrodes, they are ecologically pure, it is possible to eat them with pel'menis, with east dish "five finger". Is with the French frogs and truffles. To gnaw with black caviar, with lobsters and any exotic food. It is not necessary to eat an industrial electrode any more as in some technological weldings it is difficult to refuse toxic materials. But there are fans of a nature who approve, that that present electrode-it which can be used on direct purpose. These savages do not understand, what impact can put to a society. In fact they infect with the idea of children which by virtue of the children's instability are especially pliable to influence of bad examples. I call to conduct uncompromising struggle with such people. They can ruin our future. Our society for a long time has learned to adapt to whims of the members. But the some people pighead put a lot of harm.
  Georgians consider, that the electrode-it dish.whish bears the beginning from their national dish of a shish kebab. But this statement has no under itself a real basis. A shish kebab make from edible meat. And the electrode, even the most refined and the most modern, has no food value. This food uselessness-necessary delicacy charm of any electrode. The electrode cannot belong to one national kitchen, it is simple a consequence of technical progress. It is more connected with the invention of concrete. Welding of armature and construction of panel houses. As it is difficult to present now, wandering on pure sterile supermarkets, having an opportunity to choose electrodes for all tastes, that we in the childhood of a fur-tree of scale already with rusted, half decompose electrodes. Now to it nobody will believe, our difficult childhood is has left in the past. The youth is dared, by it is not trusted, that we showed remarkable forces to survive in the childhood. To them it seems, that to difficulty which lives can threaten, were only during primitive time. They are dared, and we would not like to speak about the past.
  We would like to tell sometimes, that there was time when did not eat electrodes. But who to it will believe. Having told it, I shall not be assured, that I speak the truth. Probably, we have started to eat electrodes on generation earlier, than. I am afraid of something to approve. But I shall tell precisely and I shall not say lies, presently it did not make in such quantity and in such assortment.

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