среда, 9 сентября 2009 г.

Portable radio set.

  Portable radio set. 
  Studying in middle classes, we have dared to collect a superportable radio set. We have pulled out from the reservist radio valve,induction coil,transistor,diode,condenser and mounted a unprecedented portable radio set on a roof. This portable radio set should become most powerful previous which we before collected. It should be stronger than to prevent to fly to that helicopter which has not fallen down nearly our house. 
  We in advance "bombed" the nearby enterprises, we climb round all dumps and have collected all radio electronics which someone has thrown out or has established for mechanization. Have gone and have bought a superlamp in the market of radio transmitters, it was a sphere in size with an aquarium. Have established on a roof a maximum quantity of aerials. 
  Having waited nights we have included a portable radio set and have departed on radiowaves. We floated on the night sky; we rose up to a stratosphere, detaining breath. Our clothes decayed from speed from which we rose in height; we have been compelled to resort to high speed to not choke at greater heights. 
  We dived there and came back back. For a night we have flown about all ground. Fighters chased us and rockets of all models. Have then closed an attic. 
  Whether parents guessed ours. They were old, they hardly would manage to rise on a roof. 
  We flew in windows of girls as then it seemed to us, loved. We left at them a note, in which add the names to names of these girls. We flied to these girls every night. We kissed them sleeping. From them puff our love. We observed their dream; we wished to be favourite. But they slept, and having woken up could laugh above our feeling. Sometimes we managed to lift the sleeping girl and to fly with it on the sky. The girl who was loved by my brother, was the daughter of the foreman; I loved the daughter of director. These beautiful girls were subjects of love of our classes. They have been spoilt and chosen by a subject of adoration. 
  Who could then to assume, that the daughter of the foreman will wake up and will let out to all school. My brother who has lost a head will agree to allow to do some flying to the class. After a while all school will fly in the night sky. 
  Once at us the lamp about an aquarium will burn down, and the school becomes empty. All children will not arrive from night flight. We shall remain with the brother together. We shall long for the lost beloveds. Even being married we shall not cease to recollect them which have departed at night. The brother each time, coming from far edges, speaks, that will find a lamp about an aquarium. And then we shall return our loved girls. But have passed times of lamps. Now such lamps do not let out. 
  Recently I have moved, our house with the rests of a portable radio set has remained on plunder. To us never to return those who has departed. Recently I saw as beggars hand over in scrap metal a skeleton of a portable radio set. I could shout, demand. But I have made nothing. I am afraid, that, be engaged in useless business, I shall harm to the health. Though drag my unprotected property, I can do nothing with marauders.

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